【主要演員】:Ryan Cartwright, Christopher Egan, Craig Parkinson, Hayden Christensen, Simone Spinazze, Jay Villiers, Diego Guerra, Ruffo Riccardo, Tim Roth, Mischa Barton, Sasha Mesina, Clive Riche, David Walliams, Riccardo Merra, Silvia Colloca 等.
十四世紀的意大利被黑死病的陰霾籠罩,許多青年男女紛紛前往鄉間避難。洛倫佐(海登克里斯滕森Hayden Christensen飾)是個英俊的青年,因為得罪了佛羅倫薩當地富有的貴族拉拉塔,逃亡到鄉間的一所修道院中。因為被修女誤認成啞巴而留在了修道院中,做著一些雜工的活。日子久了洛倫佐發現這所修道院的修女都非常的空虛寂寞,誤把他當作不能開口的啞巴而紛紛來找他尋歡。而洛倫佐更是在這期間對一帶著面紗卻難掩美色的少女一見鍾情,朝夕相處讓兩人雖不知對方身份卻墜入愛河。機緣巧合洛倫佐知道了原來這少女叫龐貝妮婭(米莎巴頓Mischa Barton飾),因其美貌的外表被拉拉塔盯上,更是因父親的債務被許配給了惡人拉拉塔。面對拉拉塔帶著大班人馬前來向龐貝妮婭逼婚,為了心愛的情人,洛倫佐挺身而出,與拉拉塔進行了一場激烈的角逐。
他們遇見八個少男少女,為躲避瘟疫逃難到這裡,這些涉世不深的年輕人們,相約每天聚會,大家各講一個故事,互相解悶。期間愛情及情慾在彼此間滋生......。電影由大衛李蘭(David Leland)編導,該片取材於薄伽丘的小說《十日談》,影片融入搖滾樂與許多現代元素,並起用兩位人氣新生代巨星,將中世紀背景結合性喜劇內容,大膽創新。
【User Reviews】:
Of course this movie will never win an Oscar, but that is not what it aims for. It aims to entertain the audience, with a certain amount of nudity and sexual innuendo, and it does that quite well I've to say. Mischa Barton and Hayden Christensen act their roles quite well, just like Tim Roth, and basically I can say that if you want a night of light entertainment, this movie can provide that.
It is loosely based on the Decameron by Boccaccio, and if I have to find a problem with the movie, it is the Italian title for it, because really, the references to the Decameron are not so many, but at the same time, the situation of a group of young people leaving Florence for the plague is the same, so I guess it could be accepted. However, it's all the "adventures" these people go through once they leave the town that make the movie somewhat interesting and amusing.
I know I'll be watching it again in the future.
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